Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity"

Aka: My New Inspiration Board! Inspired by twilight (not the book, the time of day)
Sparkly vampires make Bella (my unfortunate alias) *shudder*
Hope you enjoy some wedding-porn! *Contains some personal pictures. Personal usage only*


  1. awww thanks sparkedlove!I appreciate that!

  2. hehehe we sure love our purples! :P

  3. Kinda yeah- I think I blame barney for that- also I kinda love it when you comment on the blog ;)

  4. This board is absolutely stunning! I ADORE the colors! I almost want to steal them. ;-)

  5. awww thank you Shannon! I really appreciate that lol. If you love it that much, I give ya full reign

    if theres anything I have learned from looking at all the wedding stuff I have, is that theres rarely anything original about weddings- the thing that makes it original is the two lovely individuals who have found each other and are ready to celebrate!
