Thursday, July 21, 2011

Whats that you Say? Bella's still Alive?

Alive and kicking!

Well gentle readers, I have missed you so! Im sorry for such a late arrival and for being neglectful with my comments and reading your blogs! However, I am officially back, and also, gainfully employed IRL!

Now that I am engaged and employed me and SO are finally talking about our wedding in two years time. Its time to get serious, which is why I now have on me a magazine from Martha Stewart sent by my sister. Things just got real folks!
Anyways, I wanted to update you on my posts coming soon! But first, its time for me to play catchup with all your lovely blogs! Expect comments soon!

All the best


  1. Did you just get a new job? If so, congrats! It seems like jobs are finally becoming more available to folks than they have been in the past 2 years. Thank goodness!

  2. Yay for new jobs! And yay for wedding magazines! Can't wait to see more updates!

  3. So glad you're back! I love your blog :)
    Congrats again on the engagement and job !
