Oh Rodney Dangerfield, how I adore you so. I have to say that I am not nearly as dedicated as he is to spirits, wines, and beers, but honestly? Who doesn't like to celebrate with a glass of champagne or start a party off with a much needed cocktail. Its in fact the sadly underused cocktail hour that brings us to our topic today: How to make a cocktail hour work with a wedding and why its great to have one.
The imbibing of alcohol in order to celebrate a conquest, a ritual or better yet, a wedding is something that goes far back in time before Emily Post or Miss Manners were even a thought. The use of drink to elevate our spirits is something that didn't really become a part of the household consciousness until the 1940s and 50s though, with every household adult couple having usually a happy hour to enjoy with other adult couples in the neighborhood. The cocktail hour is thus an institution that has now mutated its way into the wedding sphere as a great way to start up the night.
Not to be underestimated is the important role alcohol has served in enhancing the enjoyment and quality of life. It can serve as a social lubricant, can provide entertainment, can facilitate relaxation, can provide pharmacological pleasure and can enhance the flavors of food (Gastineau et al., 1979, p. xx)1